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1. Playing Venue:
Novotel Plovdiv - Moscow Hall

2. System and rate of play:
Open 9 rounds
System - FIDE Swiss
Time control - 90 m + 30 sec per move
Valid for ELO FIDE and GM/IM norms

3. Shedule:

Inscription - till 14.30 h on 31.01.2010
Tehnical meeting:  31.01. - 14.30 h
Round 1 Sunday     31.01. - 15.00 h
Round 2 Monday     01.02. - 09.00 h
Round 3 Monday     01.02. - 15.00 h
Round 4 Tuesday    02.02. - 14.00 h
Round 5 Wednesday  03.02. - 09.00 h
Round 6 Wednesday  03.02. - 16.00 h
Round 7 Thursday   04.02. - 14.00 h
Round 8 Friday     05.02. - 14.00 h
Round 9 Saturday   06.02. - 09.00 h

Prizegiving - Saturday 06.02. at 14.00 h.

4. Entry fee:
35 EUR

5. Tie breaks:
For the final standigs following tie-breaks procedures wil be used respectively:
- Buchholz Median
- Buchholz
- The great number of victories
- FIDE Tie-break

6. Prize fund: 10 000 EUR

Main prizes

1.) 2 000 EUR
2.) 1 200 EUR
3.) 900 EUR
4.) 600 EUR
5.) 450 EUR
6.) 400 EUR
7.) 300 EUR
8.) 250 EUR
9.) 200 EUR
10.) 150 EUR
11.) 150 EUR
12.) 150 EUR
13.) 120 EUR
14.) 120 EUR
15.) 100 EUR
16.) 100 EUR
17.) 100 EUR
18.) 80 EUR
19.) 80 EUR
20.) 80 EUR

Special Prizes: 2 470 EUR

In case of identical final scores the prizes not be shared (see the tie-breaks).

7. Accomodation:
Novotel Plovdiv
at very special prices for all participants

8. More information:
Rumen Angelov, tel.+359 885 841528


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